Dramas, Korean Dramas

K-drama Review: Record of Youth

Record of Youth covers several real-life issues including the life of upcoming actors in South Korea who have the pressure of succeeding before joining the army, the lack of support from middle class families for unconventional careers, struggles in the fashion and film industry, and the misunderstandings caused by generational gap. The question of whether the right person can appear in your life at the wrong time and the consequences is also touched upon.


C-Drama Review: Find Yourself

There’s nothing more satisfying than watching a rom-com while munching on something unhealthy. I have a long list of such movies, which I go back to often. Find Yourself is one of the additions to the list this year.


K-Drama Review: My Holo Love

K-dramas never fail to surprise us with what and whom a human can fall in love with. My Holo Love is one such drama that shows us love can possibly exist between a human being and an AI hologram.


6 Valuable Life Lessons We Can Learn from #Alive

Movies, dramas and books on romance and/or featuring aliens and zombies taught me much more than value education classes and actual life experiences did. A good example of this is the recently released Korean movie #Alive. When I watched the movie, there were several moments when a life lesson flashed right before my eyes. So I thought it would only be appropriate to don the role of a preacher and share some of these lessons with you.


K-Drama Review: Because This Is My First Life

Has there been a k-drama that you’ve put off watching simply because it didn’t call out to you? Because This Is My First Life was that drama for me. I chose not to watch it for the longest time and then finally gave in a year ago. Not going to lie, I had the biggest regret of not watching it earlier.

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